Sunday, June 10, 2007

Everybody Knows Little Johnny

Little Johnny raced by bumping into me softly, but bumping just the same. He was apologetic. I thought he meant it. Little Johnny passed by me again, still hurriedly, still bumping into me. He again was quite apologetic. I dismissed the clumsiness. I dismissed his apparent lack of learning from his previous experience. After all, he said he was sorry.

... Little Johnny is now much bigger and much older. Wow! Big Johnny just raced by bumping into me softly, but bumping just the same. He was apologetic. I thought he meant it. Big Johnny passed by me again, still hurriedly again bumping into me. He again was quite apologetic.

Little Johnny is much like the Somebody we all know. We all know Somebody. Somebody will always test our patience because of their lack of learning.

Lord, I prayed for Big Johnny, Somebody and me. I prayed for
all the times your grace and mercy covered Big Johnny, Somebody and me
when we fail to learn from previous experiences. When our remembrances fail to recall your patience and faithfulness toward us despite our shortcomings.

Big Johnny, Somebody and me could really use that prayer.

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