Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day

It's amazing how my kids can bring me to tears. I call them happy tears. They are tears of joy that bolt through my heart faster than Cupid's arrow. There is no monetary value that can hold up to homemade cards, coupons for mom, M-O-M acrostic poems and the like.

Suddenly, all my fault finding in my parenting skills and feeling of inadequacy are washed clean by the tender words of affection and appreciation from the ones that hold the pulse of my heart in their bosoms.

This Mother's Day is one I choose to remember and live each day because if you let my kids tell it I am the M ost O utstanding M om!


It's not a coincidence. I truly believe you were meant to be here. Thank you for spending some time with me discovering the small but important things. In this blog I share my thoughts on family, friends, trials and triumphs. You will find links and thoughts that are dear to my heart as I grow daily in being a Godly wife, mother, daughter, grand-daughter, sister, home school novice and friend.